I, Donna Davenport, commit myself to the daily process of morning pages. Additionally, I commit to a weekly artist date. I understand that these two tools are most powerful when used in conjunction, and I commit myself to using both together.
I, Donna Davenport, further understand that working with these tools may create deep change, some of it turbulent. I commit myself to excellent self-care-adequate sleep, diet, exercise, and self-valuing. Above all, I commit to honoring the validity for me of my own unique perceptions-for the duration of the twelve weeks ahead and hopefully long after.
Donna Davenport
This page is dedicated to what I learn, My Artist Way (based on My Artist's Way Toolkit ).
This page is dedicated to what I learn, My Artist Way (based on My Artist's Way Toolkit ).
Artist Date
Visit a part of your city or town (a safe part) that you are unfamiliar with.
Go to a candy shop and buy yourself some of your favorite kind of childhood candy.
Go to the beach alone, leaving all books, cellphones, or other distractions behind. Walk, breathe, listen.
Artist's Way Exercises
Take your artist for a walk, just the two of you. A brisk
twenty-minute walk can dramatically alter consciousness. Below, record
reflections you made on this walk.
If you had five other lives to lead, what would you do in each of them?
Have you felt discouraged by any feedback you've recently recieved on your art? Write a "letter to the editor" in your defense.
When we just let ourselves write, we get it “right.” - Julia Cameron, The Right to Write
I cherish the sights I behold. I savor the sights I see. My gift of sight brings me the gift of insight. — Julia Cameron, Blessings
Creative Page